Big Brother Watching: Huge Compendium of Screenshots Highlight Facebook and Other Forms of Censorship In New Age of Internet Surveillance and Control


Le seguenti immagini di schermata  di notizie autentiche, di Facebook e post catturati, Google e Twitter evidenziano l’attuale censura e il controllo operato all’ordine del giorno che si svolge durante l’era in cui gli Stati Uniti hanno orchestrata una nuova guerra fredda, per opera della Elite globale e dei media mainstream corrotti. Questi messaggi rivelano un modello di comportamento manipolativo e la censura effettuata da parte dei governi, dai motori di ricerca e dai social media . Essi rivelano metodi, tecniche,  applicazioni,  regole e comportamenti diventati ormai di uso comune.

(segue articolo originale in inglese di Clarity of Signal)

The following screen captured images of authentic news stories, Facebook rules and posts, Google, Twitter and Snopes related stories highlight the current censorship and control agenda that is taking place during the era of the US orchestrated New Cold War, and the Global Awakening to the crimes of the Global Elite and corrupt mainstream media. These posts reveal a pattern of manipulative behavior and censorship on the part of government, search engines and social media giants. They reveal methods, techniques, applications, rules and behaviors as well as articles that examine and put forth complaints and concerns about the various forms of ongoing censorship related to such.

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Corrupt MSM propaganda outfits lead the way to censorship in collusion with ‘fact checking’ sites such as Snopes, Politifact and Factcheck.

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The best U.S. reporters who work for mainstream channels and expose what is really going on are forced offline and their social media accounts deleted.

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The real agenda becomes quite obvious for those that wish to see……

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Some stories never get seen due to Facebook deciding which content is worthy of viewing…..

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Nieman Lab provides helpful explanations on how the censorship will take place…… a scene from Huxley’s “Brave New World”…….. the censorship arrives in an nice package easy to accept by those who have been blinded with glittery objects.

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Meanwhile the Snopes ‘fact checkers’ are partying down……

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Examining the Bizarre Facebook Page of the Snopes ‘Fact-Checker’ of the White Helmets Terrorist Ruse in Syria

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Censorship designed as a user friendly tool…….

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Just as in Brave New Worlds! You get the privilege of censoring yourself!

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Blatant control of the agenda through censorship adjustment of algorithms that filter out ‘undesirable’ content………

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In the new age of anti-Russia propaganda and implementation of the New Cold War by the US government, military industrial complex and global elitists that are enriched through such, its easy to see why they want censorship rules imposed. Some news simply doesn’t help the Deep State global domination agenda.

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Meanwhile….some countries get a free pass, and even attain extra censorship tools handed directly to them by the CEO of Facebook in order to gain a larger market share.

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Snipes continues to party down………

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All the information above clearly shows that we live in an age of information censorship, surveillance and control, where true freedom to express oneself is repressed by giant corporations that collude with the government in the implementation of information dissemination, and through deciding which specific articles are ‘news’ worthy and which are not.

These large corporations cloak themselves under the banner of being private entities, and thus, stating that they have the right to pick and choose content that they feel suits their target audience. However, due to the fact that they have become essentially information monopolies that control over 90% of data being transferred to the respective citizenry (who are also technically their product), they should be held to the same standards as a government entity, particularly since they are collaborating with the government more and more each day.

They are representing the people and taking advantage of the people at the same time, while deciding upon themselves what they feel the citizenry should be allowed to see. This is how Big Brother truly comes…….through the private mass entity which has switched places in collusion with the government and now works to keep the citizenry in line with the government agenda, while at the same time claiming themselves free from criticism due to them being a private corporation. In a sense, Facebook and Google have become “too big to fail” and thus, should be reined in as they have had way too much power for way too long a period of time……..and the censorship is only going to get worse.

This censorship is taking place in an era where people are waking up to the fact that  western governments been supporting terrorist groups and murderous regimes in order to enrich and empower the global 0.01% elitists that rule over us. We must continue to persevere and break through this obvious propaganda barrage and blatant global censorship in order to make our world safer for all humanity.

More here on the censorship agenda of the corrupt global elite:

Additional Clarity of Signal thread highlights You Tube demonetization of popular political accounts that don’t toe the establishment media line and follow the corrupt government scripts.

Google Censors and Demonetizes High View Count Videos That Reveal The Truth About the Syrian War and the MSM’s ‘Fake News’ Agenda

Additional thread exposes Cass Sunstein as the US disinfo czar pushing the current information control agenda…..

Cass Sunstein-The Fascist Information Czar Behind Current U.S. Mass Propaganda and Censorship




Filed under: Fake News Attacks, Media Madness, New World Disorder, The Deep State Tagged: ‘fact checkers’, ‘Fake News’, Ben Swann, Big Brother, censorship, Consortium News, Control agenda, Disputed content, Establishment fear, Facebook, Facebook fake news tips and rules, Facebook insider, Factcheck fake, Fake News Agenda, Free thought project, Google, information crackdown, Infowars, Politifact fake, Snopes fake, Whistleblower, Wikileaks, Zuckerberg tool 3261 1494114234 183 3261 1494114234 923 3261 1494114234 140 3261 1494114235 681 3261 1494114235 753 3261 1494114235 799 3261 b


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