Documenti – Il villaggio siriano di Maalula è stato saccheggiato con il tacito consenso dei paesi occidentali

Con lo scoppio del conflitto armato siriano, il villaggio cristiano di Maaloula è stato tra i primi ad essere visitato da militanti di gruppi islamici radicali, a seguito dell’occupazione del villaggio hanno prima fatto un massacro e poi sono stati sconfitti dall’esercito siriano. Oltre a uccidere i soldati siriani a difesa del villaggio, i militanti hanno ucciso anche cristiani e funzionari pubblici rimasti a Maaloula. Poi hanno devastato e saccheggiato le chiese e i monasteri cristiani. I militanti islamici hanno fracassato, distrutto e bruciato molte reliquie, rubato e rimosso molte icone antiche dai templi di Maalula. Oggi al posto delle originali ci sono delle repliche. Mentre ci sono poche speranze per il ritorno delle icone originali.

Tutte queste atrocità dei militanti sono avvenute con il tacito consenso dei paesi del cosiddetto “mondo democratico”, che ha finto di non accorgersi dell’illegalità diffusa perpetrata dai militanti, che per tutto il tempo ed oltre , ha continuato ad indicare come ‘opposizione moderata’.
rai maloula
Fortunatamente, ci sono abbastanza testimoni che sono sopravvissuti e che possono dire cosa è realmente accaduto a Maloula. E la loro versione è molto diversa dalla versione dei media europei occidentali e americani sugli eventi passati. Oggi è in corso molto lavoro per ricreare un quadro completo e affidabile di ciò che è successo in quei giorni, non solo a Maaloula, ma in tutta la Siria.

News Front – Video Gian Micalessim – 2015

SIRIA/ Rashideen, Maloula e Khan Sheikhun, tre stragi “diverse” cercano verità ad Astana

Guerra in Siria, la strage di Rashideen e quel funerale “oscurato” dai media d’Occidente: tutta un’altra storia rispetto all’attacco con gas del 5 aprile. Il più grande funerale che la storia siriana abbia mai ricordato si è svolto il 26 di aprile a Damasco. 150 bare hanno trasportano i corpi di 72 bambini e dei …

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In 2013, 5 young men were kidnapped from the ancient Christian town of Maloula, during the NATO and Gulf state funded, Nusra Front/Free Syrian Army-led invasion of this extraordinary hillside town, that still teaches the language of Christ in its schools, Aramaic. For the first six months, after their kidnap, their families remained in contact with the kidnappers among the Free Syrian Army or so called “moderates” & Nusra Front aka Al Qaeda, then communications ended abruptly.
These hopes were cruelly destroyed recently when the executed bodies of the 5 young men were found close to the Syrian border and were identified as the kidnap victims.
The Martyrs’ names are : Ghassan Michael Shnis, Atef Ragheb Kalomeh, Shady Michael Thalab, Daoud Sarkis Milaneh and Jihad Mtanios Thalab
Today in Damascus we were honoured to attend the funeral ceremony for these five brave souls whose relatives in the tight knit community of Maloula are still reeling from the shock of their death after three years praying and continuing to hope for their safe return.
The grief and rage was palpable, both from those close family members walking with the coffins and from the people of Damascus who flocked onto the streets to pay their respects. United in the senseless loss of yet more young lives in this 6 year war bieng waged against Syria by NATO and Gulf state regimes.
“The thing that unites Syrians most, are our martyrs” said Abdo Hadad, whose cousin was among the martyrs. Sadly the last few days in Syria have proven this statement over and over again.
Dany Milaneh, from Maloula, had been shot by a sniper in Zamalka [Damascus suburbs] and left paralysed, wheelchair bound. His brother, Daoud Milaneh was among the martyrs.
Ghoufran Derawan from Damascus was with me today and she said:
“I was so sad today to be attending the funeral of the heroes of Maloula. Every day we lose some of our people. I remembered my sister and my nephew at the same time and all the martyrs of Syria. Syria doesnt deserve all this loss. I want this war to end and to stop all the blood. I want to get rid of the terrorists. Mercy to all our Martyrs, civilians and the SAA. ”
“After what happened we will never forget and we will never forgive” the young men chanted as the procession moved slowly through the streets leading to the Patriarchate for the final service.
” Please ask the government to take revenge for us and to get rid of the terrorists for the sake of our martyrs. We cannot live with these terrorists in the same country” one woman asked us as she walked alongside the coffins. Her eyes blazed with anger.
Ghoufran Derewan asked Abdo Haddad when this suffering will end….
“Its over when we win this war. We keep fighting until we win or we die” ~ Abdo Haddad
God bless the martyrs of Maloula and take their souls into peace and rest from the turmoil on earth.
Farewell brave souls….travel well into the light…you will never be forgotten


Honouring Maloula’s Martyrs. 25th April 2017

In 2013, 5 young men were kidnapped from the ancient Christian town of Maloula, during the NATO and Gulf state funded, Nusra Front/Free Syrian Army-led invasion of this extraordinary hillside town, that still teaches the language of Christ in its schools, Aramaic. For the first six months, after their kidnap, their families remained in contact with the kidnappers among the Free Syrian Army or so called “moderates” & Nusra Front aka Al Qaeda, then communications ended abruptly.

These hopes were cruelly destroyed recently when the executed bodies of the 5 young men were found close to the Syrian border and were identified as the kidnap victims.
The Martyrs’ names are : Ghassan Michael Shnis, Atef Ragheb Kalomeh, Shady Michael Thalab, Daoud Sarkis Milaneh and Jihad Mtanios Thalab
Today in Damascus we were honoured to attend the funeral ceremony for these five brave souls whose relatives in the tight knit community of Maloula are still reeling from the shock of their death after three years praying and continuing to hope for their safe return.
The grief and rage was palpable, both from those close family members walking with the coffins and from the people of Damascus who flocked onto the streets to pay their respects. United in the senseless loss of yet more young lives in this 6 year war bieng waged against Syria by NATO and Gulf state regimes.
“The thing that unites Syrians most, are our martyrs” said Abdo Hadad, whose cousin was among the martyrs. Sadly the last few days in Syria have proven this statement over and over again.
Dany Milaneh, from Maloula, had been shot by a sniper in Zamalka [Damascus suburbs] and left paralysed, wheelchair bound. His brother, Daoud Milaneh was among the martyrs.
Ghoufran Derawan from Damascus was with me today and she said:
“I was so sad today to be attending the funeral of the heroes of Maloula. Every day we lose some of our people. I remembered my sister and my nephew at the same time and all the martyrs of Syria. Syria doesnt deserve all this loss. I want this war to end and to stop all the blood. I want to get rid of the terrorists. Mercy to all our Martyrs, civilians and the SAA. ”
“After what happened we will never forget and we will never forgive” the young men chanted as the procession moved slowly through the streets leading to the Patriarchate for the final service.
” Please ask the government to take revenge for us and to get rid of the terrorists for the sake of our martyrs. We cannot live with these terrorists in the same country” one woman asked us as she walked alongside the coffins. Her eyes blazed with anger.
Ghoufran Derewan asked Abdo Haddad when this suffering will end….
“Its over when we win this war. We keep fighting until we win or we die” ~ Abdo Haddad
God bless the martyrs of Maloula and take their souls into peace and rest from the turmoil on earth.
Farewell brave souls….travel well into the light…you will never be forgotten


Honouring Maloula’s Martyrs. 25th April 2017

In 2013, 5 young men were kidnapped from the ancient Christian town of Maloula, for the first six months their families remained in contact with their kidnappers among the Free Syrian Army so called “moderates” & Nusra Front, then communications ended abruptly. Families continued to believe in a “miracle” and to pray for their safe return for the following three years. These hopes were cruelly destroyed recently when the executed bodies of the 5 young men were found close to the Syrian border and were identified as the kidnap victims.
The Martyrs’ names are : Ghassan Michael Shnis, Atef Ragheb Kalomeh, Shady Michael Thalab, Daoud Sarkis Milaneh and Jihad Mtanios Thalab
Today in Damascus we were honoured to attend the funeral ceremony for these five brave souls whose relatives in the tight knit community of Maloula are still reeling from the shock of their death after three years praying and continuing to hope for their safe return.
The grief and rage was palpable, both from those close family members walking with the coffins and from the people of Damascus who flocked onto the streets to pay their respects. United in the senseless loss of yet more young lives in this 6 year war bieng waged against Syria by NATO and Gulf state regimes.
“The thing that unites Syrians most, are our martyrs” said Abdo Hadad, whose cousin was among the martyrs. Sadly the last few days in Syria have proven this statement over and over again.
Dany Milaneh, from Maloula, had been shot by a sniper in Zamalka [Damascus suburbs] and left paralysed, wheelchair bound. His brother, Daoud Milaneh was among the martyrs.
Ghoufran Derawan from Damascus was with me today and she said:
“I was so sad today to be attending the funeral of the heroes of Maloula. Every day we lose some of our people. I remembered my sister and my nephew at the same time and all the martyrs of Syria. Syria doesnt deserve all this loss. I want this war to end and to stop all the blood. I want to get rid of the terrorists. Mercy to all our Martyrs, civilians and the SAA. ”
“After what happened we will never forget and we will never forgive” the young men chanted as the procession moved slowly through the streets leading to the Patriarchate for the final service.
” Please ask the government to take revenge for us and to get rid of the terrorists for the sake of our martyrs. We cannot live with these terrorists in the same country” one woman asked us as she walked alongside the coffins. Her eyes blazed with anger.
Ghoufran Derewan asked Abdo Haddad when this suffering will end….
“Its over when we win this war. We keep fighting until we win or we die” ~ Abdo Haddad
God bless the martyrs of Maloula and take their souls into peace and rest from the turmoil on earth.
Farewell brave souls….travel well into the light…you will never be forgotten

Sostenere la speranza per Maloula

03/11/2014 – di Coordinamento Nazionale per la pace in Siria “UNA PECORA PERCHE’ MALOULA RITORNI ALLA VITA” Il 4 settembre 2013 Maalula ha subito un feroce attacco dai gruppi armati terroristici multinazionali, che hanno in comune l'ideologia del takfirismo. Maalula e' il villaggio in cui si parla ancora la lingua di Gesù Cristo e ha …

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Siria. Paura per le suore di Maloula: i negoziatori hanno perso i contatti …

Non dimentichiamo, in quest’aria di finto egualitarismo, di difesa della legalità e dei diritti umani, che la “Comunità Internazionale” ha la responsabilità morale e pratica del rapimento delle suore di clausura di Maloula. Infatti, la ‘Comuità internazionale’ appoggia gli estremisti islamici, li supporta e li finanzia: per essa l’ostacolo alla pace sarebbe semmai la divisione …

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