President Bashar Al Assad’s Full Speech to Journalist Union in Damascus 2006

[ad_1] President Bashar Al Assad Syria Times The Syria Times e-newspaper is indeed honored to republish H.E. President Bashar Al-Assad‘s landmark address to the Syrian journalists  at Journalists Union 4th Conference :Al-Umawyeen Conference Palace, Damascus: August 15, 2006: “..In the final analysis, that the world does not care about our interests, feelings and rights except when …

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‘Worst is behind us’ as terrorists are on retreat – Assad on Syrian conflict

[ad_1] Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad © SANA / Reuters As the Syrian Arab Army has advanced on most fronts and the military situation has improved, rooting out extreme Islamist ideology becomes the top priority for the region, Syrian President Bashar Assad says. The course of the Syrian conflict, which has been tearing the country apart …

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Real Syrian Youth Open Up About Assad Gov’t and US-Backed ‘Moderate’ Rebels

[ad_1] Pierre Le Corf, the founder of the We Are Superheroes humanitarian organisation spoke with a group of Syrian youths in Aleppo in an open live interview, which he streamed on his Facebook page for everyone to watch. The group spoke about what is actually going on in Syria and how the war has affected …

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[ad_1]   Written by Darius Shahtahmasebi; Originally appeared at The BBC reportedly has exclusive proof that the Syrian government is continuing to produce chemical weapons in violation of a deal reached in 2013. Pursuant to that deal, the Syrian government was supposed to remove its entire stockpile, which the U.N. said had already been achieved …

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